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ACS Juggling Club


Challenge Yourself!

See Your 
Name Here!

AC Sandhills started the ACS Juggling Club as a way to get kids excited about the art and skill of juggling in soccer.
The Juggling Club is open to registered ACS players.

Start today!  Submit a video of yourself juggling to ACS at and include your name, age and number of juggles.  All juggles must be consecutive. The "Top Juggler" board will be updated each Sunday, based on the submissions through that Saturday.   Videos will be accepted through January 20th - top finishers will be announced on January 21st.

The purpose of the ACS Juggling Club is to encourage a fun way for our players to become more technical (fundamentally sound) while encouraging them to use their soccer ball on a more consistent basis. Juggling is a very useful tool in helping players to "own" the ball.

Juggling is the art of keeping a soccer ball up in the air. It's a way for players to become comfortable and creative with the soccer ball that transitions to field play in the following areas:

First Touch: Receiving the ball from different heights, speed and angles.

Dribbling: Becoming proficient with multiple surfaces at speed.

Running: Making timed touches with the ball on the run.

Balance: Adjusting and changing your stance to keep the ball in the air, builds players sense of balance. 

Self-Confidence: Excelling at juggling to create confidence with the ball.

CLUB RECOGNITION:  ALL participants will receive a reward for challenging themselves! AC Sandhills will also recognize the final Juggling Club leaders!

Recreation Levels
Travel Levels
BEGINNERS: (6 - 10)
ADVANCED: (21 - 40)
WHITE: (41 - 69)
BLACK: (70 - 99)
ORANGE: (100+)
BEGINNERS: (8 - 29)
ADVANCED: (50 - 99)
WHITE: (100 - 249)
BLACK: (250 - 499)
ORANGE: (500+)

Using the Foot:

  • Keeping the foot stretched and not giving up no matter how many times the ball falls to the ground.

  • Dropping the ball and kicking it back up with the dominant foot.

  • Trying to hit the ball up slightly when the foot makes contact with the ball.

  • If the movement is abrupt, the ball will rise too high.

  • The player should try to push it to stomach height and keep practicing until accomplishing this consistently.

Using the Thigh:

  • Lifting one knee so that it is perpendicular to the body

  • Doing this while keeping the thigh parallel (make a flat surface). A flat surface is much easier to juggle off of than an angled surface.

  • Juggling with the thigh is a way to add versatility to juggling skills. It will also assist in keeping the ball more controlled while using other body parts.

Using the Head (U13 and up):

  • Throwing the ball above the head and then bouncing it off the forehead.

  • Angling the face up so that the ball will hit the top of the forehead.

  • Keeping the neck relaxed and bending the knees, which will help the player stay balanced while focusing on the ball above.



(910) 944-9042


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